MR Dev Days Hackathon Winners - explore projects made with MRTK3 Public Preview & StereoKit
Published Aug 15 2022 02:15 PM 7,777 Views


At Mixed Reality Dev Days in June, we announced the availability of MRTK3 Public Preview, point cloud support in Azure Remote Rendering, and the kickoff of a month-long online hackathon with the theme "A New Way to Solve an Old Problem".  Check out videos of all the qualifying projects in the hackathon project gallery.


We are so proud of the hackers who participated and thankful for their valuable feedback. The issues, feature requests, and use cases surfaced will help make MRTK3 Public Preview and StereoKit even better for all developers.


And the winners are….


In 3rd Place ($2,500 prize) - MRToolbelt by Aristides Staikos


Side of table measured with 2 fingersSide of table measured with 2 fingers Area of floor being estimated with blue boxArea of floor being estimated with blue box


If you’ve ever needed to take and record a measurement, but didn’t have the right tools, MRToolbelt can help. Measure length with your fingers or estimate area or volume, then record it with photos, videos, or voice notes.


To build MRToolbelt, Aristides leveraged spatial mapping and meshing provided in AR Foundation as well as the hand tracking subsystem, speech subsystem, and phrase recognition capabilities in MRTK3 Public Preview. Aristides also learned a lot about the XR Interaction Toolkit while building MRToolbelt and plans to add in object recognition and the ability to generate step-by-step instructions in the future.


In 2nd Place ($5,000 prize) - Xposure Therapy by Flavius Lador, David-Bobola Ojoawo, and Jack Daus


Menu and two white balls roughly representing spiderMenu and two white balls roughly representing spider Menu and two white balls with insect legsMenu and two white balls with insect legs Menu and digital hand touching spiderMenu and digital hand touching spider


Exposure therapy is a proven method for helping patients overcome phobias by gradually teaching them to reduce their fear response. Flavius, David-Bobola and Jack worked to make this important therapy tool more convenient and accessible. In their project, Xposure Therapy, patients are provided a list of objectives to complete starting with very rough representations of their phobia. They then progress little by little to interacting with more realistic and immersive representations.


Xposure Therapy was built with StereoKit in C# using Visual Studio. The team used the StereoKit’s simulator for fast iterations and Quest + Link with hot reloads for quick deployments to Meta Quest 2. They were excited at how much they were able to learn and leverage while building their first mixed reality application including model loading, animation, sounds, and physics. They also offered up this important tip they learned that could help others starting out - make all your asset names in lower case when doing cross-platform development! Files in the Asset folder are not case-sensitive in Windows, but they are on Android.


1st Place ($10,000 prize) - MasterPlan XR by Brett Jackson


Grid lines and 3D project planGrid lines and 3D project plan


In MasterPlanXR, Brett reimagined project planning by going beyond the 2D Gantt chart to efficiently utilizing 3D space. Teams can collaborate in a persistent project room where they can present to each other and interact with plans by adding, updating, dragging and dropping tasks. The 3D interface makes it easier to identify dependencies and conflicts, and brings additional project clarity across team members.


Tasks in MasterPlanXR make use of StereoKit handles for task placement and a custom shader to surface additional information to users on the task blocks. Project assets and details are saved to the cloud using Azure, and peer-to-peer networking is enabled via Epic Online Services. In the future, Brett plans to add PDF import capabilities, data visualizations, Meta Quest support, enhanced security and permissioning, and more.


Thank you, hackers!


We again want to thank all of the tremendously talented hackers who participated in the Mixed Reality Dev Days 2022 Hackathon and congratulate the winners! To learn more about MRTK3 Public Preview and StereoKit, check out the on-demand sessions from Mixed Reality Dev Days. To be the first to know about upcoming events and hackathons, join the Mixed Reality Developer Program today.


The Mixed Reality Dev Days Planning Team

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‎Aug 15 2022 02:14 PM
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