Cannot delete organisation from Teams

Copper Contributor

Hi, It appears to be impossible to delete an organization from Teams

Please see the picture below.



I am unable to remove the organization beginning with L.


I have used my personal email for many years, so I should be the one in control of it! I am the owner/ admin of the email account. However there is no way to delete the rogue /linked organization to which I no longer have access.

How can I take back full control of my email/Teams account and remove this rogue organization? I've clicked on everything I can find and nowhere else mentions this organization. Clicking on the organization in Teams just takes me to a page saying "Microsoft Teams Free (Classic) is no longer available" with options to upgrade. I don't want to upgrade I want it deleted!


  • I
22 Replies

Hey, it comes up a lot. Here are the steps to take:


To leave an organisation with your personal account:

  • Sign in to
  • At the top-left, select the arrow and go to My Account


  • Select Manage Organizations

    Here, you'll see a list of organizations connected to your account.

  • Select Leave next to the organization you want to leave
  • Confirm that you want to leave

Thank you so much. Easy when you know where to look.

Hi Ben, update to this question i hope you have time.

When i try to leave in the organizations tab, it seems as they have already deleted me.

I get prompted for MFA but it dosen't work. Is there any workaround to this where i can still delete the organization?

@Niels_Jakobsen hey, you may need to contact the organisation you’re trying to leave and see if they have any policies that are stopping you from leaving.

That is what i figured.

I know of the setting that external users can't leave themselves.
I was more wondering if you knew how it would react in case they deleted me in their organization. Will i Automatically be removed, or will it have a holdup like this?
I don't see the organization I'm trying to leave under my organizations - it only shows up in Teams. Is there any way to remove it from Teams in that case?
Correcting your spelling to the MyApps link to:

@MikeLipscomb - that link will work for work accounts but for personal accounts, you need to force it to get there through the myapps URL.

Following this instruction, I am requested by a Microsoft window to provide 2FA auth, but I never configured 2FA for this remote org. Do I need to go through the remote site to leave their group? Seems unusual that I need external support to leave an org.


I also show an error when I come to the site.

I have the Authenticator app, but when i try to scan the QR, it says "no data".

If I copy and paste the URL provided, it says Endpoint not found.

Is there another way of doing this? - Seems I cant add my other profile to my Teams app, until I can delete this one.


Appreciate any assistance.Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 1.49.08 PM.png

the link you provided is messed up somehow. href is pointing to "https://myapps.microosft/" which is doesnt exist. and "" redirecting few "suspicious looking" addresses and finally settle on a microsoft website but I'm not sure if its secure at that point anymore. I dont want to get hacked man. could you please eleborate whats going on about url little bit?

PS: I logged in and cannot saw any related options. its just a office 365 promotion hindi somehow :)

@HelloBenTeoh"you may need to contact the organisation".  No, not acceptable.  Especially if I have been spammed in teams.  This is the same as ransomware.

In any case how would I know how to contact them? I may not want to deal with them.  I should just be able to right click in teams and separate from them.  The teams devs should just make this happen.

Once again, another train wreck for Microsoft Accounts.

Oh, and their splash page blocks me from changing to a friendly org so I have to restart teams.



Screenshot 2024-03-05 114918.png


@HelloBenTeoh  it is showing me when i am signing it with my account




So I am using your method but when I try to leave my former work org, which is, I can not...What is the workaround ? My personal account is linked to many personal microsoft services so I cant recreate a new account just for teams

I know this is an older thread, but when I do this, the organisation i want to leave is not listed.

In the Teams Client, it has an orange triangle with exclaimation mark in it. When clicking it, I get a message "Oops! We have run into issues while switching to the selected account or org."

The organisation no longer exists, the azure tenant has been removed.

Is there something i can do in powershell or from our Admin centre?

I'm having this issue too. I can't leave because I don't have 2SV. Any solve for this yet?

@RichPasty I have the same issue with a domain that was stolen from me. I was able to close out all the MS tools and forced my acocunt to leave the org but my work desktop stil shows I have the unwanted org. 


Did you get any place with your situation?

@HelloBenTeoh Hello Ben and all, what do I need to do to wipe an org out from my teams desktop app? Apparently it sill resides somewhere on my PC, because it disappeared from the web app, after I'd left the org in my account settings. In the desktop app it visually resulted in deletion of the org label. See my screenshots. Am on Windows 11 / latest version of MS teams. Thanks.

web app:



desktop app:



receive errors switching to the "ghost" org



yea, same here, added some screenshots in my reply to visually document the glitch