General Availability: Online migration for Azure Database for MySQL using Azure DMS
Published May 17 2023 07:00 AM 6,186 Views

We’re pleased to announce General Availability of online migration for Azure Database for MySQL using Azure Database Migration Service (DMS). With online migration, businesses can now migrate an instance of Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server, their on-premises MySQL instance, or MySQL servers in other clouds to Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server with minimal downtime for critical applications, limiting the impact to service level availability.


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Azure DMS supports migrations for MySQL versions - 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 from the following list of supported source server types:

  • Community edition MySQL servers (located on-premises or in the cloud)
  • AWS RDS for MySQL
  • AWS Aurora for MySQL
  • Azure DB for MySQL - Single Server
  • Azure DB for MYSQL – Flexible Server


Since we announced public preview of Azure DMS online migration for MySQL, we’ve made several key updates, including:

  • Full server migration portal experience.
  • Replication warning improvements.
  • Support for database schema migration.
  • Support for migrating user accounts and privileges.
  • Support for migrating users with no passwords.
  • Improved experience for viewing errors and warnings.
  • Improved troubleshooting experience when replication fails.
  • Performance improvements during initial load for complex schemas.
  • Performance improvements during statement mode replication.


For more information about using Azure DMS for online migration of workloads to Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server, see the following documentation:


*Note: DMS also supports online migration from on-premises and other cloud services to Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server. We’re currently updating our public documentation for these scenarios, but in the interim, you can use the MySQL – Single Server to MySQL – Flexible Server tutorial listed above, taking note that configuring the binlog retention policy is different for servers running on-premises or in other clouds. Prior to starting a migration, ensure that the retention period is at least two days by referring to the following documentation (based on your source server type):


If you have any feedback or questions about the information provided above, please leave a comment below or email us at Thank you!


Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 13 2023 10:13 AM
Updated by: