"Some error occurred" message

Brass Contributor

Hello, there seem to be a problem when clicking links to my Bookings pages - "some error occurred". None of my reservation pages works today. No idea what could have happened. I can't see any of my settings and the pages aren't visible to my clients. What can I do? Please help!

74 Replies
Same issue here. We need to get this fixed soon!

@LesnePtaki I raised a severity A (critical) case with Microsoft and had an introductory call with a Support Engineer. He confirmed that, internally, he can see a service outage logged and was working on what information he could provide. He confirmed that a product team was engaged in resolving this issue. No ETA as of yet. I'll update here if I hear anything.

We're having the same exact problem today.
Same here all the bookings and staff have been removed entirely
Still knocked out for several hours.
Thank you for the update - appreciate it!

@mikkelbelling Incident now available in the Admin Portal. Link (if possible): https://portal.office.com/adminportal#/servicehealth/:/alerts/MB791003

Thanks for sharing this. Now we wait!

@LesnePtaki as of 9:30am (Pacific time) it appears to be back for me and my team! Fingers crossed it stays this way



Is anyone still having this issue? Mine was fine this morning and lost everything about 2 hours ago, no end in sight

I see the same - looks to be working right now!
Just checked MS Bookings and we're back in business. :white_heavy_check_mark: Everything (I think) has been restored to what it was before. :raising_hands:
Also seems to be back for us.. oof!
Seems to be back up for us now too!! Phew
Everything got back to normal here, too! :)