Version detail in .msix file properties

Version detail in .msix file properties



 Oct 29 2020
3 Comments (3 New)
In the backlog

Wouldn't it be just awesome if we could right-click an msix/appx file, pick "properties" from the popup menu and see the version info?  You know, just like winpe and msi files?


Perhaps this could be added to the file creation that makeappx does?

Status changed to: In the backlog
Brass Contributor

This could just be done in the signing stage adding all the entries in Identity, so Name, ProcessorArchitecture, Publisher & Version.


The inclusion of DisplayName & PublisherDisplayName from Properties would provide all the useful details, at least for me it would cover the most useful and ones that typically would require me to open the MSIX in one tool or another.

NOTE: As a test project for packaging tooling, I did build a .msix preview handler to show details in the explorer "preview pane", in an MSIX package.  Was Windows 11 only, and assumed nobody would really want such a thing.